The final sprint for design & manufacturing

Trondheim 02.04.2023, and we are well into the Easter break and the assembling of subsystems in the new race car. Since January, we have been hard at work trying to finish our CAD models and realise them into real-world products. The stages we go through are as follows; CAD-check, machine drawings, submission of jobs, waiting and receiving parts. Only then will the assembling of systems really start. But first, I will describe each of these phases more in depth.

CAD-check, as mentioned in a previous blog post, has been something we do three times before Christmas, but after a long and well-deserved break, we may have come up with some ideas for small changes to polish the design of the parts. At the end of the January workshop, a three-day long CAD check takes place, and the entire vehicle assembly (consisting of 5383 parts) is thoroughly checked to reveal errors. These are fixed, and we can advance to the next stage, which is machine drawings.

At the end of the January workshop, we had the pleasure of having a machine drawing course (GPS) held by GKN Norway with assistance from Nammo at our offices. There we learn the basics of GPS as well as a better understanding of tolerances and how the interfaces with some thinking can contribute to allowing larger tolerances without necessarily compromising functionality.  

After the machine drawing course, we spend roughly one month making drawings and checking them internally. With the help of GPS, we are able to allow more moderate tolerances whilst maintaining the functionality of a part. This eases manufacturability and provides more flexibility. However, to perform at the top more precision and stricter demands are necessary to make the parts, assembly and car as a whole perfect. Norway has a lot of industries serving offshore activities, from the fish industry to the development of AUVs, and with the interest and firms enjoying some challenges, we get world-class parts, and we are proud to also represent Norwegian craftsmanship through the delicate parts working together to accelerate us to the top.

The parts are usually sent at the end of January to mid-February, and we estimate to have them back at the end of March, right before easter. During Easter, we measure, control and make sure the parts are within the tolerances and specifications. They are then put into crates for each of the systems, and when every part is in-house, the assembly takes place.

While the parts are being produced, detailed assembly planes are made based on a master plan that is made during the autumn, and it sets the dates for when systems are intended to be mounted. When the system is mounted,  the member(s) responsible will try to help out others that are not finished or work on documentation for the competition season.

As we are in the final sprint of the design and manufacturing stage of the project, I would like to end by thanking the people and firms that helped us realise a new car this year as well; it is never given, so thank you. We are excited to receive the last parts and be able to show what we have put together for 2023!

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